IBM Infoprint 1130/1140
Fuser Solenoid Adjustment
Perform the fuser solenoid adjustment whenever you replace the
fuser solenoid. Adjust the fuser solenoid while installed in the printer.
Adjust the screw on the eccentric mounted on the solenoid housing
to provide an air gap between the rear of the solenoid stator and the
solenoid armature.
Printer Models
All Models
Gap Adjustment
The gap adjustment allows you to increase the minimum gap
between sheets of paper as they are fed through the printer. This
adjustment does not reduce the printer overall performance such as
pages per minute, but can help in reducing the amount of curl of
some printed media, thus improving media stacking in the output
1. Enter the Diagnostic Mode.
2. Select EP SETUP from the Diagnostic Menu.
3. Select GAP ADJUST
4. The range of the GAP adjustment is 0 to 255. Adjust the gap
setting by using the Menu button to select the value. If GAP=0
displays, it indicates a factory setting to minimum gap. Select a
value and run several copies of the media that displays a curl
problem. It may take several tries before improvement is
Note: This setting has no effect when duplexing.
Solenoid Air Gap
4.5 mm
Repair Information