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Why Do Maintenance; Keeping Records; Quality Assurance; Maintenance Task Schedule - GE LOGIQ e R4 Series Basic Service Manual

Table of Contents


Direction 5370626-100, Revision 18
Section 10-2

Why do Maintenance


Keeping Records

It is good business practice that ultrasound facilities maintain records of periodic and corrective
maintenance. The Ultrasound Periodic Maintenance Inspection Certificate provides the customer with
documentation that the ultrasound scanner is maintained on a periodic basis.
A copy of the Ultrasound Periodic Maintenance Inspection Certificate should be kept in the same room
or near the scanner.

Quality Assurance

In order to gain accreditation from organizations such as the American College of Radiology (USA), it
is the customer's responsibility to have a quality assurance program in place for each scanner. The
program must be directed by a medical physicists, the supervising radiologist/physician or appropriate
Routine quality control testing must occur regularly. The same tests are performed during each period
so that changes can be monitored over time and effective corrective action can be taken.
Testing results, corrective action and the effects of corrective action must be documented and
maintained on the site.
Your GE service representative can help you with establishing, performing and maintaining records for
a quality assurance program. Please contact us for coverage information and/or price for service.
Section 10-3

Maintenance Task Schedule

LOGIQ e/LOGIQ e Vet/LOGIQ i/Vivid e Basic Service Manual
Section 10-2 - Why do Maintenance


Table of Contents

Table of Contents