Overvoltage Protection 59
The overvoltage protection has two elements. In case of a high overvoltage, tripping switch off is performed
with a short-time delay, whereas in case of less severe overvoltages, the tripping is performed with a longer
time delay. When one of the adjustable settings is exceeded, the 59 element picks up and trips after an adjust-
able time delay has elapsed. The time delay is not dependent on the magnitude of the overvoltage.
The dropout ratio for the two overvoltage elements (= V
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the overvoltage protection function.
Figure 2-29
Logic diagram of the overvoltage protection
SIPROTEC, 7SK80, Manual
E50417-G1140-C344-A5, Release date 11.2012
) can be set.
dropout value
pickup value
2.5 Voltage Protection 27, 59