Component to be inspected
Condensate drain lines and
Heat exchanger fans
Chilled water header drain pan
and lines
Leak detection
The HP POD 20c includes six heat exchanger condensate sensors. Three sensors are located in the drain
pans below each set of heat exchangers, and three sensors are located in the chilled water supply and return
header drain pan tray.
Some amount of condensation water can always be expected in the heat exchanger drain pans. If an
excessive amount of condensation water accumulates in a drain pan, an alarm is triggered and sent through
the HP POD 20c ECS, which indicates a possible leak.
There should be no water in the chilled water supply and return header drain pan. The drain pan should
always remain dry.
Leak isolation
caution when removing and replacing components that involve water around the electrical
equipment. There is great risk of electrical shock when water is used near electricity.
Inspect and verify that:
There is no internal blockage
of the drain line
Condensate can freely pass
P-traps are intact and not
There is no blockage of the
drain line that is external to the
site drain
Clean and clear debris as
Inspect and verify that the
following components are
properly secured and operational:
Fan mounting
Wiring harness
Power modules (located in the
ECS cabinet)
Visually check drains for internal
and external blockage
Conduct an operational check of
the external site drain using
approximately 5 gallons of water
(if possible)
To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to the equipment, use extreme
Capable Party
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel
Qualified personnel
Monthly, if
Quarterly, if
not staffed
Qualified personnel
Periodic maintenance 62