or partial group of 64 cluster nodes. All diskettes are consecutively numbered
so you can put them in the proper order before continuing with the next step.
Two complete sets of diskettes are included with each cluster. If any diskettes
are missing or damaged, contact IBM Support for information on how to
3. Each diskette contains an xcat tab file that must be converted for use with
CSM. If the cluster has 64 cluster nodes or fewer you will have only one xcat
tab file to convert . Go to "Converting xcat tab file for use with CSM" and
continue with the steps shown there.
If the cluster has more than 64 cluster nodes you will have more than one
diskette containing an xcat tab file. The information contained on the diskettes
must be combined into one large file before converting the file for use by CSM.
Continue with the next step.
4. Make sure the first 1350 Install Data Diskette is in the diskette drive of the
Management Node and issue the following commands:
cp */mnt/floppy/ /tmp
Continue by copying the xcat tab file from each 1350 Install Data Diskette to
the /tmp directory. When all the files have been copied, continue with the next
5. Download the merge-ic.sh script from:
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/cluster/1350downloads.htm and place the
script in the /tmp directory. Issue the following command:
merge-ic.sh tarfile-1 tarfile-2 tarfile-3...
where tarfile-1 tarfile-2 tarfile-3... are the actual names of the tarfiles copied to
/tmp from the 1350 Install Data Diskettes. After the merge-ic.sh has finished go
to "Converting xcat tab file for use with CSM" and continue with the steps
shown there.
Converting xcat tab file for use with CSM
To convert the xcat tab file for use with CSM take the following steps:
1. For clusters with 64 nodes or fewer insert the 1350 Install Data Diskette in the
diskette drive of the Management Node and issue the following commands:
tar xvzf/mnt/floppy/ic.tgz -C/opt/xcat
Remove the diskette from the drive and store the diskette in a safe place.
For clusters with more than 64 nodes you must use the merged file you created
that is located in the /tmp directory. Issue the following command:
tar xvzf/tmp/ic.tgz -C/opt/xcat
2. Install the Enhanced Cluster Tools (ECT) for Linux Cluster Systems
Management. If you don't already have a copy, download one from
3. Issue the following commands:
rpm -ivh csm.ect-
XCATROOT=/opt/xcat/opt/xcat/sbin/xcat2csm -F /tmp/nodedef
rm -rf /opt/xcat
Chapter 6. Software installation