7 Using AIOs in a new application
I/O Interface
Connecting the instruction to the Controller IO tags is accomplished by moving the
IO data into the AOI Interface.
Figure 7-1 Configuring AOI Communication
The second rung holds the AOI. The local variables "InputDataBuffer" and
"OutputDataBuffer" are used as storage for the AOI to receive and send data to the
Controller IO tags.
The first rung copies the IO data for the drive to a local variable to be used by the
AOI as inputs in the "DRV_STATUS" parameters. "DRV_STATUS" and
"DRV_CONTROL" are declared as INOUT parameters and are therefore passed
by reference.
The third rung holds the copy command that moves the control data from the
working variable "OutputDataBuffer" to the controller IO tag.
All AOIs provided will use this method of data exchange with IO containing the
drive data. Additional access to the control data can be performed before the data
is copied to the IO Tag. This allows the user to utilize features already mapped in
the telegram that are not controlled by the AOI. In a similar manner the Status data
can be accessed by the user program
SINAMICS G: Control of a G120 with an Allen-Bradley controller
(Compact/ ControlLogix with RSLogix 5000) via EtherNet/IP
Entry-ID: 82843076,