VolumeCopy uses the most system resources to perform the VolumeCopy, which decreases performance
for host data transfers.
Recover RAID Logical Drive
This command creates a RAID logical drive with the given properties without initializing any of the user
data areas on the disk drives. Parameter values are derived from the Recovery Profile data file for the
storage subsystem. You can create the recover logical drive in an existing subsystem or create a new
subsystem by using this command.
Note: You can run this command only from a command line. You cannot run this command from the
GUI script editor. You cannot use the DS Storage Management GUI to recover a logical drive.
recover logicalDrive (drive=(enclosureID,drawerID,slotID) |
Drives=(enclosureID1,drawerID1,slotID1 ... enclosureIDn,drawerIDn,slotIDn) |
raidLevel=(0 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 6)
dssPreallocate=(TRUE | FALSE)
[owner=(a | b)
cacheReadPrefetch=(TRUE | FALSE)]
T10PI=(none | enabled)]
drive or drives
IBM System Storage DS3000, DS4000, and DS5000: Command Line Interface and Script Commands Programming Guide
The disk drives that you want to assign to the
logical drive that is to be recovered. For
high-capacity drive expansion enclosures, specify
the enclosure ID value, the drawer ID value, and
the slot ID value for each disk drive that you
assign to the logical drive. For low-capacity drive
expansion enclosures, specify the enclosure ID
value and the slot ID value for each disk drive
that you assign to the logical drive. Enclosure ID
values are 0 to 99. Drawer ID values are 1 to 5.
Slot ID values are 1 to 32. Enclose the enclosure
ID, drawer ID, and slot ID values in square
parentheses ([]).
The name of the subsystem in which you want to
create the logical drive. (To determine the names
of the subsystems in your storage subsystem, run
the show storageSubsystem profile command.)
The name that you want to give to a new
subsystem. Enclose the new subsystem name in
double quotation marks (" ").
The name of the logical drive that you want to
recover. Enclose the logical drive name in double
quotation marks (" ").