Chapter 4. Planning the physical configuration
Physical configuration planning is your responsibility. Your technical support
representative can help you to plan for the physical configuration and to select
This section includes the following information:
v Explanations for available features that can be added to the physical
v Feature codes to use when you order each feature
v Configuration rules and guidelines
Configuration controls
Indicator features control the physical configuration of the storage system.
These indicator features are for administrative use only. The indicator features
ensure that each storage system (the base frame plus any expansion frames) has a
valid configuration. There is no charge for these features.
Your storage system can include the following indicators:
Expansion-frame position indicators
Administrative indicators
Determining physical configuration features
You must consider several guidelines for determining and then ordering the
features that you require to customize your storage system. Determine the feature
codes for the optional features you select and use those feature codes to complete
your configuration.
1. Calculate your overall storage needs, including the licensed functions.
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configuration of your system model
Expansion-frame position indicators flag models that are attached to
expansion frames. They also flag the position of each expansion frame
within the storage system. For example, a position 1 indicator flags the
expansion frame as the first expansion frame within the storage system.
If applicable, models also include the following indicators:
v IBM / Openwave alliance
v IBM / EPIC attachment
v IBM systems, including System p and IBM Z
v Lenovo System x and BladeCenter
v IBM storage systems, including IBM System Storage ProtecTIER
V7000, and IBM System Storage N series
v IBM SAN Volume Controller
v Linux
v VMware VAAI indicator
v Storage Appliance
The Copy Services and z-Synergy Services licensed functions are based on
usage requirements.