Full Screen Logo
Warnings and Errors
Sign of Life Indicator
Table 41. Manageability
USB Provision
MEBx Hotkey
Virtualization support
Table 42. Virtualization Support
VT for Direct I/O
System setup
Allows you to display full screen logo, if your image matches screen resolution.
Enable Full Screen Logo
This option is not set by default.
Allows you to select different options to either stop, prompt and wait for user input, continue when
warnings are detected but pause on errors, or continue when either warnings or errors are detected during
the POST process.
Click one of the following options:
Prompt on Warnings and Errors—Default
Continue on Warnings
Continue on Warnings and Errors
This option allows system to indicate during the POST that the power button has been acknowledged in a
manner the user can either hear or feel.
Enable Sign of Life Audio Indication
Enable Sign of Life Display Indication
Enable Sign of Life Keyboard Backlight Indication
This option specifies whether a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can utilize the additional hardware
capabilities provided by the Intel Virtualization technology.
Enable Intel Virtualization Technology
This option is set by default.
Enables or disables the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) from utilizing the additional hardware
capabilities provided by the Intel Virtualization technology for direct I/O.
Enable VT for Direct I/O
This option is set by default.
When enabled Intel AMT can be provisioned using the local
provisioning file via a USB storage device
This option specifies whether the MEBx Hotkey function should
bee enabled when the system boots.