Call the command without parameters:
show events sender email
The configured e-mail sender address is displayed.
show events smtp-port
This command shows the configured SNMP port.
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode.
The command prompt is as follows:
cli> or cli#
Call the command without parameters:
show events smtp-port
The configured SMTP port is displayed.
Commands in the Events configuration mode
This section describes commands that you can call up in the EVENTS configuration mode.
In the Global configuration mode, enter the events command to change to this mode.
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be
found in the relevant sections.
● If you exit the EVENTS configuration mode with the exit command, you return to the
Global configuration mode.
● If you exit the EVENTS configuration mode with the end command, you return to the
Privileged EXEC mode.
SCALANCE W770/W730 acc. to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 09/2017, C79000-G8976-C324-08
Network protocols
8.7 SMTP client