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Granting User Access To Persistent Image Files; Psm Notes - IBM totalstorage 326 User Reference

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Granting user access to persistent image files

You can give end-users access to files in the persistent images. For example, this
would be helpful to a user who has accidentally corrupted a file and needs to get an
uncorrupted copy of that file.
To enable end-user access to persistent image files:
1. Go into Terminal Services.
2. Click the My Computer icon.
3. Select the volume on which you want to enable persistent image access.
4. Go into the persistent images directory and right-click the mouse on the
Note: The share settings are maintained in a persistent image. Therefore, granting

PSM notes

v You can take and keep a maximum of 250 persistent images at one time. These
v You cannot take a persistent image of the maintenance drive (D:). Hence, you
v PSM stores the cache file for each drive on the drive itself. The first persistent
v The default size of the cache file per drive is 15 percent of the total drive
Model 326 User's Reference
selected persistent image mount point, select Sharing, then specify sharing as
appropriate. If you want to enable the same access to all persistent images on
the volume, right-click the persistent images directory (from the top level of the
volume), select Sharing, and then specify sharing as appropriate.
access to all end-users only permits those users to access files and
directories within the persistent image that they had permission to access
originally on the actual drive.
can be taken on local drives, or drives on the external storage that are logically
On various panels, such as the New Persistent Image Schedule panel, the Keep
the last: field indicates the number of persistent images. The total number of
persistent images that you enter in these fields does not override the maximum
number of persistent images that you set in the Global Settings panel. For
example, if the maximum number of persistent images is 10, and you enter
numbers in other fields that add up to greater than 10, only 10 persistent images
will be taken.
will not see it as a choice in either the New Persistent Image Schedule panel or
the Create Persistent Image panel. Do not take a persistent image of the
clustering Quorum disk. See "Recovering from a corrupted Quorum drive" on
page 50 for information on how to recover from a corrupted Quorum drive.
image created on a particular drive will require a significant amount of time
because the PSM cache file must be created (pre-allocated) for that drive.
The time required for creation depends on the configured size of the cache file
(15 percent of the total drive size by default). Creation takes roughly three to four
minutes per gigabyte. For example, a 10-GB cache file would require 30 to 40
minutes to create. You should create a persistent image for a drive before
scheduling any persistent images for that drive, to build the cache file. You may
then delete the persistent image that you just created if you do not need to keep
After the creation of the first persistent image on a volume, future persistent
images on that volume will complete faster.
In most cases, that should be sufficient. However, it is possible that it will not be
enough to maintain the number of persistent images you want to keep


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