falling edge. Synonym for negative-going edge.
FCC. Federal Communications Commission.
fetch. To locate and load a quantity of data from storage.
FF. The form feed character.
field. (1) In a record, a specified area used for a particular
category of data. (2) In a data base, the smallest unit of data
that can be referred to.
field-programmable logic sequencer (FPLS). An integrated circuit
containing a programmable, read-only memory that responds to
external inputs and feedback of its own outputs.
FIFO (first-in-first out). A queuing technique in which the next
item to be retrieved is the item that has been in the queue for the
longest time.
fixed disk drive. In the IBM Personal Computer, a unit consisting
of nonremovable magnetic disks, and a device for storing data on
and retrieving data from the disks.
flag. (1) Any of various types of indicators used for
identification. (2) A character that signals the occurrence of
some condition, such as the end of a word. (3) Deprecated term
for mark.
flexible disk. Synonym for diskette.
flip-flop. A circuit or device containing active elements, capable
of assuming either one of two stable states at a given time.
font. A family or assortrrlent of characters of a given size and
style; for example, 10 point Press Roman medium.
foreground. (1) In multiprogramming, the environment in which
high-priority programs are executed. (2) On a color display
screen, the characters as opposed to the background.
form feed. (1) Paper movement used to bring an assigned part
of a form to the printing position. (2) In word processing, a