Getting Started with Remote Graphics Software
Installing the Receiver
Installation of the HP Remote Graphics Software Receiver is required on all systems
that will be connecting to a HP Remote Graphics Software Sender.
Installing the RGS Receiver for Windows
To begin the installation of the RGS Receiver for Windows login to an account with
administrator privileges:
1. Insert the HP Remote Graphics Software CD and in Explorer change to the
directory win32\receiver on your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click or select Setup.exe to start the installer.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
The installer will add a menu item folder to the Programs folder called HP Remote
Graphics. In this folder will be two items:
Receiver -directory
Unattended Installations
If you need to install the Windows RGS Receiver on several systems, please refer to
Creating Unattended Installers.
Installing the RGS Receiver for Linux
To install:
1. Login as root.
2. Insert the HP Remote Graphics Software CD and mount the CD, if it is not
automatically mounted.
3. Go to the mount point of the CD, which is usually /mnt/cdrom and change
directories to lin32/receiver.
4. Execute the following command:
If remote audio is installed the HP Remote Graphics Software requires
certain audio support utilities be available for remote audio support from