Rack worksheet
This worksheet helps you plan for the rack location of each BladeCenter unit,
compute the total weight for the BladeCenter units and other hardware. Each
BladeCenter unit is 7U; up to six can be installed in a 42U rack. Fill out one
worksheet for each rack.
1. Record the weight totals for each BladeCenter unit in this rack from the "8677
2. Record Subtotal 1 for the weight.
3. Compute the weight of the rack mounting kits and record it on the worksheet.
4. Compute the weight of the power distribution units and record it on the
5. Record Subtotal 2 on the worksheet.
6. Add Subtotal 1 and 2 to obtain the total rack load and record it on the
7. Select a rack and circle the matching rack weight on the worksheet. Verify that
8. Add the rack weight to the total rack load and record it on the worksheet. Verify
Table 16. Rack worksheet
BladeCenter unit 1
BladeCenter unit 2
BladeCenter unit 3
BladeCenter unit 4
BladeCenter unit 5
BladeCenter unit 6
Rack mounting kits
Front end PDUs
High density front end
Total Rack Load
h NetBAY 42 enterprise rack
h NetBAY 42 enterprise expansion rack
h NetBAY 42 standard rack
h NetBAY 42 standard expansion rack
h NetBAY 25 standard rack
h NetBAY 11 standard rack
BladeCenter Type 8677: Planning and Installation Guide
BladeCenter worksheet" on page 88.
the weight load entered in step 6 does not exceed the weight limit for the rack.
that this weight does not exceed the Floor load limits of the location where the
rack is being installed.
1 (U1 to U7)
2 (U8 to U14)
3 (U15 to U21)
4 (U22 to U28)
5 (U29 to U35)
6 (U36 to U42)
1 through 6
Subtotal 1 _____
Quantity × 4.58 kg or 10.1 lb =
1 2 3 4 5 6
Quantity × 4.80 kg or 10.6 lb =
Quantity × 4.80 kg or 10.6 lb =
Quantity × 11.36 kg or 25 lb = ___
Subtotal 2 _____
Subtotal 1 _____
Subtotal 2 _____
Total _____
260.82 kg (575 lb)
235 kg (516 lb)
137 kg (301 lb)
105 kg
94 kg (207 lb)
34 kg (75 lb)
(231 lb)