16) should then be cabled to the modulator's IF Input. Insure that the rear
panel Power Entry Module (Item 9) has the correct voltage setting for the
installation site and then attach the power cable to the unit. Initially check
that the Front Panel Indicators display per section 2.5 of this manual.
Cabling Diagram For the EE-2002 Encoder
1. Place the 6ELP-3 on the IN connector (11) of the Pre-
Emphasis of the EE-2002.
2. Connect a coax cable leading from the OUT connector
of the IF loop on your modulator to the 6ELP-3 which is
connected to the Pre-Emphasis IN (11).
3. Connect a coax cable leading from the IN connector of
the IF loop on your modulator to the OUT connector of the
Jamming Carrier (16).
4. Connect a coax cable leading from the Pre-Emphasis
OUT (12) to the Jamming carrier IN (15).
4.2 Pre-emphasis Loop Set Up
Turn the master power switch (Switch B-2) into the up or off state to
turn off the jamming carriers. (Note that LED 2 and 4 extinguish)
Figure 4
Cabling Your EE2002: