Safety Information, Radiation
Area dose product measurement device
X-ray radiation!
Non-compliance can lead to illnesses, irreversible damage to
body cells and the genotype, severe injuries and even death.
In work on the system in which radiation must be released, the
radiation protection directives and the rules for radiation protec-
tion according to ARTD 02.731.02 must be complied with.
Please note:
- Use available radiation protection devices.
- Wear radiation protection clothing (lead apron).
- Keep your distance from the radiation source as large as possible.
- Release radiation only if necessary.
- Set radiation activity as low as possible.
(Low kV and mAs values, short radiation time)
- Release radiation for as short a time as possible.
Checks in which radiation must be released are identified by the
radiation warning symbol.
Rev. 03
Page 6 of 16
CS PS 24
Siemens AG
Medical Engineering