Other Commands
7SA6 Manual
Table 7-6
Possible Control Messages
Message Text
Config. Error
Control Blocked
System Overload?
SW: 1 to n error?
System Overload
UpperSett. Limit
Lower Sett. Limit
Executing Control
Command Timeout
BinaryInp. Ignored Recording block set
Chatter Active
Setting active
Status Change OK
Status Change Fail Status command cannot be executed
Change OK
Change Failed
Checking Interlock Command is sent to the central unit to check system interlocking
are OK
Time Limit Expired Parameter change was interrupted because time expired
Restore Parameters As a reaction to a fault recognized during parameterization, the last
Please Wait...
Checking Settings
Swgr. Feedback OK
Swgr. Feedback Fail Return message: destination not reached
Change Rejected
Control OK
Value Incorrect
The device is equipped with a serial interface for connection to the System (SCADA)
interface. From there, the device can receive standardized commands (according to
the supported protocol) and transmit them to the respective switching devices, or ac-
tivate internal functions, e.g. block inputs/outputs or set tags (manual overwrite), or re-
Message Cause
Refusal because no relay is assigned to this object, or the relay
jumpered in the device does not exist
Refusal because an output block is set
Refusal because a relay to be controlled is already active (e.g., by
another command)
Refusal because another relay is already controlled
No more free timers available
For transformer LTC step commands, highest level already
For transformer LTC step commands, lowest level already reached
New command refused because a command is already in process-
Feedback indication missing
Flutter block is active
Refusal because parameter loading process is running
Status command executed
Marking executed
Marking cannot be executed
Parameter change was correctly accepted
Parameter change interrupted because a fault became active dur-
ing parameterization
active parameter set is activated again
Initiated process running and requires some time
The changed parameters are tested before acceptance
Return message: destination reached
Parameter change was rejected (e.g., because time expired, or ab-
normal occurrence during parameterization)
Positive conclusion message for commands
Plausibility error in command
Control During Operation