Figure 60
Collect maintenance data
Swap Ports dialog box
4. Notify the customer that a port swap is to be performed. Ensure
the customer's system administrator quiesces Fibre Channel
frame traffic through the ports, varies any attached host offline,
and sets any attached device offline.
5. Click Next. Beaconing is enabled for both ports and both ports are
blocked. Swap the port fiber-optic cables as directed by the
customer's system administrator.
6. Click Next. The Instructions section of the dialog box indicates the
port swap operation is complete and beaconing is disabled. Select
each Unblock check box to unblock the ports, then click Finish.
7. Ensure the customer's system administrator varies any attached
host online and sets any attached device online.
8. Back up the product configuration data. Refer to
for instructions.
When firmware detects a critical error, the product automatically
copies the contents of DRAM to a dump area in FLASH memory on
the CTP card. Perform this procedure after a firmware fault or
FRU/CRU failure to capture data for analysis by support personnel.
Maintenance data includes the dump file and engineering logs.
Back up
Chapter 4: Repair information