Chap4.doc 78 Fri Sep 15 14:08:14 1995
Running System Verification Tests
Running System Verification Tests
HP-UX uses a diagnostics product called Support-
Wave. SupportWave contains the Support Tools
Manager that allows system operation verification.
Access the Support Tools Manager in a terminal win-
dow. If using HP VUE, access the Support Tools
Manager through the sys_admin directory.
Three interfaces are available with the Support Tools
Manager: a command line interface (accessed through
the cstm command), a menu-driven interface (accessed
through the mstm command), and the graphical user
interface (accessed through the xstm command).
For more information on SupportWave user interfaces,
see the online man pages by entering the following at a
command line prompt:
man cstm
man mstm
man xstm
To run SupportWave from either HP VUE or the
HP-UX command line shell, perform the following
1 In a terminal window, type the following at the prompt
to invoke the command line interface: