1 Sided
Makes a copy of a 2-sided document on one side of paper.
Rotate Side 2
Enable this option to scan the back side of pages with rotating 180 degrees.
Paper Supply
This feature allows you to select the tray that holds the paper you want to use.
Auto Select
Automatically determines the tray holding the appropriate paper, based on the document
size and the specified copy ratio.
• This cannot be selected together with Auto % under Reduce/Enlarge.
Allows you to directly select the desired tray.
The machine outputs sheets sorted into sets that are arranged in page order.
This feature allows you to select a copy ratio to enlarge or reduce the size of copies.
Auto %
Automatically determines the copy ratio based on the document size and the paper size
specified in Paper Supply, and copies the document to fit into the paper.
• This cannot be selected together with Auto Select under Paper Supply.
Variable %
Specify a ratio in the range from 25 to 400% in 1% increments. To specify a value, use the
numeric keypad or + and -. Specifying "100%" allows you to make copies at the same
image size as the original document.
When you make enlarged/reduced copies from standard sized documents on standard
sized paper, the following copy ratios will be applied.