2.4 Symbols of the CLI commands
Symbols of the CLI commands
Symbols for representing CLI commands
When setting parameters for CLI commands, the following characters are used:
< ... >
[ ... ]
( ... )
( ... - ... )
{ ... }
{ ... | ... }
These characters are used in combinations to describe mandatory and optional entries.
There is a general description of some of these combinations below:
Character combinations
< Parameter >
< < Unit (a - b) >
[<Parameter 1 >< Parameter 2 >]
[ [ Keyword < Unit (a - b)>]
[keyword { A | B | C }]
Keyword [A] [B] [C]
mandatory parameter
optional parameter
Value or range of values
Range of values
Selection list
exclusive selection
Instead of the expression in parenthesis, enter a value.
Instead of the expression in parenthesis, you can enter a
Instead of the expression in parenthesis, enter a value.
Enter a value from this range.
Select one more elements from the list.
Select exactly one element from this list.
Instead of the expression in parentheses<>, enter a
permitted value.
Instead of the expression in parentheses <>, enter a
value from the range "a" to "b".
The unit to be used is specified before the brackets ()
and is also replaced by the entry.
The parameter pair is optional.
If you use the parameter assignment, you need to
enter a permitted value to replace both expressions in
parenthesis <>.
The parameter assignment is optional.
If you use the keyword, you need to enter a value
from the range "a" to "b" to replace the expression in
parenthesis <>.
The parameter assignment is optional.
If you use the keyword, you need to specify exactly
one of the values "A", "B" or "C".
After the keyword, enter no or several of the values
"A", "B" or "C".
SCALANCE W760/W720 to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 11/2014, C79000-G8976-C351-03